OME Sport – 1.5″ Suspension Lift
’98-’07 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX 470

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<b>OME Sport</b> – 1.5″ Suspension Lift<br><i><b>’98-’07 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX 470</b></i>



For the ’98-’07 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX470 the front torsion bars are a higher spring rate and also adjustable. When paired with 1.5″ rear springs, the suspension can either be set up to preserve the factory rake (1.5″ front and rear), or have the truck sit with a level stance (2.5″ front – 1.5″ rear).

Keeping factory rake assures a level truck when loaded  At this setting the front will be lifted about 1.5″ and the adjustable upper control arms are not as crucial, but still recommended.

Some people prefer the truck to have a level stance when empty. With 1.5″ rear springs, the front will have to be adjusted to approximately 2.5″ of lift . In this configuration the SPC Adjustable upper arms are highly recommended to ensure that the vehicle can be properly aligned.
Note:  when loaded the rear will be lower than the front.

Care has to be taken to not over lift the front. If this happens, the suspension will have no down travel and the shocks will continuously top out causing poor ride and handling. Adhere to the instructions from ARB on the minimum droop requirements.


  • IMPORTANT: Spring rates must be selected based upon the current weight of the vehicle (stock or aftermarket armor), not in anticipation of weight. Selecting spring rates for anticipation of added weight will create driveability issues.
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