SLEE – 2.5″ Suspension Lift
’91-’97 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX 450

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<b>SLEE</b> – 2.5″ Suspension Lift<br> <i><b>’91-’97 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX 450</b></i>

From: $3,187.90


This kit is supplied with SLEE remote reservoir shocks. Springs should be chosen for weight already added to vehicle.

With this lift steering geometry does change and we do recommend the caster correction bushings to correct the steering geometry. It also includes an upgraded steering damper to assist in steering wheel kick back when off-road.

Lift height is approximately 2.5″.



  • IMPORTANT: Spring rates must be selected based upon the current weight of the vehicle (stock or aftermarket armor), not in anticipation of weight. Selecting spring rates for anticipation of added weight will create driveability issues.
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  • Certain parts show discounted pricing when complete kits are purchased.