4″ Suspension Lift – ’91-’97 Land Cruiser / Lexus LX 450
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The Slee lift kits were designed to give you the ultimate in off-road ability yet retain great street manners. These kits consist of all the parts necessary and recommended to lift the 80 Series correctly while addresses all of the drive line and steering geometry changes when going to a 4″. Using proper spring rates and adjustable rods and arms, together with caster correction methods achieve the maximum under carriage clearance without sacrificing drive-ability. It should be noted that if the Heavy Load suspension is used in an application where there are no additional weight on the truck, it could lead to a harsh ride as well as vibrations and handling anomalies.
- IMPORTANT: Spring rates must be selected based upon the current weight of the vehicle (stock or aftermarket armor), not in anticipation of weight. Selecting spring rates for anticipation of added weight will create drivability issues.
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