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The Empty Plate

Illustration: Brent Wilson.

The setting point: Restaurant cutlery is better now, but not necessarily simpler

Congratulations to whomever invented these picker-upperers; they are utterly useless.

  • Terry Durack
Illustration: Simon Letch

Life (and knife) skills: The 15 essential cooking skills everyone should master from boiling an egg to making pasta

From cooking an egg just how you like it, to jointing a chicken, tick these basic kitchen techniques off your to-do list.

  • Terry Durack
Illustration: Simon Letch

Drink too much coffee? This might be how to stop

It might also help you to eat more vegetables and cut back on those potato chips.

  • Terry Durack

Smart casual has become sloppy casual when dressing for dinner

Constant restaurant-goer Terry Durack gets a little bit shirty, and wishes the dress code would be enforced for diners.

  • Terry Durack
Illustration: Simon Letch.

Why you should take solace in the solstice and start your own winter food rituals

Sydney and Melbourne chefs are turning to winter menus and the darker culinary arts, and you should too.

  • Terry Durack