Slee Off Road Powder Coating

Slee Off Road Powder Coating

Slee Off Road executes a new high quality process in Powder Coating to ensure the utmost in quality, resiliency and appearance. Example of a blasted, washed, primed and powder coated surface   The four step process is as follows; Blasting: White Metal Blasting...

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Center Differential Lock Pin 7 Mod

Center Differential Lock Pin 7 Mod

Dan Busey and Spencer Bybee This modification does not have anything to do with the CENTER DIFFERENTIAL LOCK SWITCH (CDL) directly. You do not have to do this, if you just install a CDL switch. The purpose of this mod is to overide the default behaviour of the vehicle...

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OME suspension installation

OME suspension installation

The last thing that most people think of after putting down the dollars for a 80 Series is that they need to replace the suspension. Well, this is the very next thing you should do after admiring your purchase. In stock form, the suspension on the 80 series is soft,...

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Supercharger by Kazuma -TRD

Supercharger by Kazuma -TRD

Some images from the installation of the Kazuma (TRD) Supercharger for a 95-97 Gas powered Land Cruiser 80 Series. Eaton Supercharger unit before installation Throttle Body removed from intake and supercharger plenum mounted to engine head Newly installed driver...

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Dual Battery Setup

Dual Battery Setup

Dual Battery System for '91-'97 Land Cruisers •  by: Christo Slee Click on the picture above to get a PDF document of the schematic Adding a winch, auxiliary lighting or an other power hungry accessories might put too much strain on your stock battery and a need for a...

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